The was one of the most demanding projects in the history of Eura7. With a lot of content and the complexity of information architecture we succeeded in preparing a suitable website structure which would work for both groups of users - one being the general public, with different degrees of Internet familiarity, and a second one - website administrators. Through multi-level content management, visual editing of texts and a simultaneous uploading of many illustrations, we dramatically shortened the time and effort required from the web page administrator.
The execution of the whole project proceeded at an impressive pace, since the website had to be completed in less than three months – to serve the audience from all over the world who came to Kraków for the World Youth Days. The website meets WCAG 2.0 standards at the AA level (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), set out in the Act on Accessibility of Websites of Public Entities. Following these requirements ensures that web content can be accessed by a wide audience, including visitors with hearing or viewing disabilities.